
Telehealth PT

Our Telehealth PT program is a virtual, HIPPA compliant way to allow you to continue your rehabilitation from the comfort of your own home. You will check-in to our virtual waiting room (no download required) where your therapist will greet you and initiate the video call. During the session we will evaluate new injuries/surgeries, assess your progress, advance your home program, give you tips on self-management strategies, and answer any questions you have regarding your condition. Ergonomic assessments and corrections are also very conducive to this model! We have had very positive feedback and outcomes with our Telehealth PT sessions so far and are excited to offer this option in conjunction with all our in-house services.

In the past, insurance reimbursement for telehealth services was not granted to physical therapists, but due to current demands, we are seeing quick development of policies regarding reimbursement for telehealth. Depending on your provider some or all of this may be covered. We encourage you to contact your insurance carrier for more information. Call us at 202-965-8901 to schedule your appointment and learn more about Telehealth PT today!

Hope to see you soon, digitally or IRL (in real life)!

The Elite Physical Therapy Team